Manual Osteopathy
Manual Osteopathic Therapy is a gentle non-invasive hands-on therapy that focuses on bringing the body’s structure and function back to a state of homeostasis. Through extensive intake notes and various hands-on assessments dysfunctional patterns are recognized that reside in the body causing structural and functional disruptions that may present as pain or dis-ease in the body.
These disruptions are treated through various techniques. These may include Muscle Energy Techniques to balance musculoskeletal restrictions (skeletal and muscle), joint and fascial mobilizations aiding in releasing “stuck joints” by engaging with soft tissues and fascial manipulation that help increase range of motion along with Myofascial remodeling that allows the release of fascial restriction/adhesion to increase circulation.
Lymphatic techniques aid to enhancing fluid flow releasing congested toxic areas to improve immunity and Cranial Sacral techniques to improve the Primary Respiratory Mechanism which includes mobility of cranial bones, skeletal structures, meninges (connective tissues), central nervous system and circulation of all fluids.
Visceral techniques aid in increasing mobility and motility (function) of the organs of the body.
The goal of Manual Osteopathic Therapy is to restore health and balance by assessing and treating the imbalances that reside within the structures and functions of the body having an appreciation that the body works as a single unit, the body has an innate ability to heal itself, the musculoskeletal structures impacts function and the body has self-governing means.
Dr. Ryder Chung does:
- Osteoarticular mobilization
- Myofascial release
- Craniosacral therapy
- Visceral manipulation
- Correcting body posture and training functional mobility
Manual Osteopathy can help:
Chronic pain
Back & Neck pain
Pelvic / Hip / Tailbone pain
Sport injuries
Concussion / Whiplash / Nerve pain
Postural problems
Headache / TMJ
Digestive Issues
Fertility / Painful period
What should I expect from my first session?
The first session usually needs a little longer time for consultation and assessment. Practitioner will check the health history and lifestyle and discuss the problem and goal. Also full body assessment and first step treatment will be done. Ongoing session will likely be shorter depending on number of problems, systems of the body to address and reassessing.
What is the difference between Manual Osteopathy and Chiropractic?
The most predominant difference is that Chiropractors will focus mainly on the spine whereas Manual Osteopaths take a more holistic approach and concentrate on the whole body. Osteopaths will also treat a wider range of ailments including respiratory and digestive problems.
Do you know? Most extended health insurance plans cover Manual Osteopathic treatments. Please check your plan.